Doresy Marketplace
Development Reviews
Tracking the Idaho-Maryland Mine
The massive Idaho-Maryland Mine has lain dormant directly beneath our feet in the City of Grass Valley since 1956, but we live everyday with the impacts of its operations. Mine tailings, water pollution, disfigured landscape, and arsenic-laden dust are just some of the problems that surround our homes. And now, once again, a Canadian mining company (RISE Gold Corp) is drilling test holes and preparing to open the mine.
We are working to address the impacts of this mine project in order to protect our creeks, our land, our air, our wildlife, and our rural quality of life. And if by some chance they are successful in getting approval this time, our job is to make sure strong safeguards are in place.
Walkability Project
CEA Foundation is dedicated to improving the livability of our communities. Our first focus is to work to improve walkability by advocating specific improvements to codes and policies regarding sidewalks, footpaths, and bike lanes.
Safe Ditches
CEA Foundation has joined with Safe Ditches to help educate our community about herbicide-based canal vegetation techniques that are used on over three hundred miles of unlined raw water ditches throughout Nevada Irrigation District.